
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Angry Birds? I'm Angry!

Assalamualaikum. Apa khabar? Okay, post minggu nih adalah pasal Angry Birds. Korang pernah main tak Angry Birds? Tak kesah la korang main kat mana, kat iPad ke, Android ke, macam2 lagi la. Korang dah beat game tuh ke belum? Maksud aku, korang dah habiskan semue stage ke belum? Tapi, Angry Birds nih kdg2 best, kdg2 meluat, kdg2 nak hempas gadget yg kita guna untuk main Angry Birds, tapi syg pulak gadget yg dibeli mahal2 tuh. Aku sbenarnya dah beat dah game tuh, tapi, disebabkan aku ter-clear cookies web browser aku (aku main Angry Birds pakai Chrome), semue stage tuh dah di-delete. So, aku kena buat balik la dari stage pertama. Menang meluat aku masa tuh, tapi, lagi lama lagi bagus. Boleh beat game tuh lama2 sket. Takde la bila waktu lapang, boring. Kalau waktu lapang boleh main Angry Birds. Bila korang fail mana2 level, mesti ada bunyik macam babi2 tuh gelakkan kita kan? Part tuh mmg aku takleh tahan. Ada 1 level nih, aku pon tak ingat level ke-berapa. Aku rasa, aku dah cuba lebih drpd 10 kali! Bila babi tuh gelakkan aku, aku terus tumbuk screen laptop aku. Nasib baik tak rosak, kalau rosak, dah la takleh nak main AB (Angry Birds), satu internet takleh pakai. Tapi, jangan la rosakkan gadget korang mcm yg aku buat. Aku memang orang yg bukan penyabar. Okay la, itu jer yg aku nak tulis. Minggu depan aku akan update post baru. Aku update setiap hari Rabu petang. Make sure that you all visit my blog in the afternoon. Okay, goodbye! 

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Design Baru, Blog Hebat Yang Sama!

Hye guys! Okay, camne design terbaru blog aku? Cantek tak? Kalau tak cantek pon it's better dari dulu punyer design. Mesti korang nak tengok camne design blog aku yg dulu. Takpe ah, nanti muntah pulak korang depan blog aku. Okay, aku dapat semue design nih dari satu website. Aku pon tak ingat ape URL dia, tapi korang Google jer: The Cutest Blog On The Block. Korang boleh add background, buttons and many more. Okay, chow dulu. Nak mandi.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Michael Schumacher Last?? No!!

Korang nak tau, Michael Schumacher dapat no. brapa? Michael Schumacher retired, ade 1 part kreta tuh panas gila sampai terbakar. Tapi, tak kena pon Schumacher. Ross Brawn nih pandai buat kreta atau pon tak? But, aku tak salahkan sesapa pon. Dah mmg takdir Allah, terima je la dgn penuh keredhaan. Nico Rosberg start grid 8, pastu dia naik sampai grid 5. Tapi, bila race dah abis, Rosberg dpt no. 11 kot.. Aku pon tak pasti. Yg aku pasti, Rosberg dpt grid bwh drpd no. 10. Aku tgk Live Timing dlm Formula1.com, sbb mula2 lagi Schumacher dah start teruk. Dia start grid 5, pastu turun sampai grid 10. Bila dia belok dkt 1 slekoh tuh, tetiba jer engine cooler dia terbakar. Tuh yg dia retired tuh. Aku mmg tak puas hati betul dgn kreta tuh. Harap jenama Mercedes, tapi bila racing hampeh!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Formula 1

Hari nih, semue driver F1 akan berlumba di Monaco. Kalau korang nak tau result qualifying, tgk post sbelum nih. Michael Schumacher tuh abang aku tuh! Haha, gurau jer. Dia mmg idola aku sejak kecik lagi. Aku mula minat dia bila ayah aku ajak aku pegi Sepang, tgk qualifying. Masa tuh, aku tak tau lagi mana satu Schumacher, mana satu Rosberg. Yg aku tau, bila kreta Mercedes GP lalu jer, aku jerit "Schumacher"!! Haha, bodoh betul. Pastu, ayah aku ckp laa kat aku, "Helmet kuning tuh Rosberg, yg helmet oren tuh baru Schumacher". Tapi, aku tak dgr apea yg ayah aku ckp sebab aku tgh pkai earplug masa tuh. Mmg ah, bising gila siot bila kreta F1 lalu. Bingit telinga aku. Kalau aku tak pakai earplug, dlm 2-3 hari aku mesti dah tak dgr apa cikgu ajar. Haha. Tapi, mmg syok ah tgk Schumacher lumba. Dulu, dia laa legend of F1. Dia dah menang 7 world championships. Kalau Grand Prix, dia dah menang 91 kali. Mmg gempak betul! Driver yg aku paling suka: Michael Schumacher, Sebastian Vettel, Jenson Button. Diorang 3 mmg gempak!

Qualifying Formula 1 Result - Monaco

1. Sebastian Vettel
2. Jenson Button
3. Mark Webber
4. Fernando Alonso
5. Michael Schumacher
6. Felipe Massa
7. Lewis Hamilton
8. Nico Rosberg
9. Pastor Maldonado
10. Sergio Perez

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Camp Sungai Congkak

Minggu depan pade hari Rabu, ketua klas, penolong ketua klas, pengawas skola, pengawas PRS sume kene pegi Sungai Congkak sbb ade program nk wat kt situ,, Tu la, aq pown pelik. Naper klau nk wat program kene pegi smpai jauh sane,,? Tapi, Sungai Congkak mmang best giler,,! Aku pown penah pegi Sungai Congkak with my family. Mmang syok giler arh kt sane. Tapi yg x bestnye, hari tu mase aku pegi Sungai Congkak dgn family aku, ade satu kejadian ni. Citer die mcm ni: Mase tuh, aku dh serik kaki aku asyik tepijak batu, tegelincir, terjatuh, terhantuk & mcm2 lagi la. So, that's why aku pkai slipar mase aku maen dgn spupu aku. Ktowang maen pelampung hanyut. Aku duduk atas plampung tuh, pastu plampung tu pown trun la ke bwah. Yg paling aku x sangke, slipar aku bleh hanyut,,! Slalunye x penah hanyut. Mmang bodo aku ni. Aku cemas, so aku cpat2 brenang menuju ke arah slipar tu pegi. Alangkah malangnye, plampung yg aku naek tadi tu terbalek pastu kpale aku terhantuk kt batu. Mmang pedih giler siot,,! Sedare aku yg baru tngok slipar aku hanyut sruh budk2 yg maen kt bwah sungai tu amekkn slipar untuk aku. Mmang malu giler mase tuh,,! Tapi, alhamdulillah sbab lutut aku je yg luka, bkan kpale. So, itu la kejadian mase aku pegi Sungai Congkak dulu. Aku hrap mase trip ni x jadi lagi mcm tuh.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Annoying Person

Ade sowang budk pompuan kt dlm klas aq,, Aku mmg meluat giler dgn die. Dhla giler, pastu nk ckp org giler plak. Cam **** je aq tgk muke die. Tapi mmg aq xleh sabar dgn die. Die tu pengawas. Satu hari ni, aku, sbagai ketue klas, aku kene la jage klas. Pastu budk pengawas tu tetibe sound aku. Die ckp, "Wei, dudukla tempat,,! Kau ni dah ada kerusi, meja tanak duduk,,!" Lantak die la die nk sruh aq wat ape pown. Aku trus la duduk. Mcam yg tertera dlm buku disiplin, klau mengingkari perintah pengawas bleh dimerit 2 markah. Rules, biase la. Lpas aq dh duduk, die sruh aq jage klas plak. Dh die yg sruh aq duduk tadi. Sawan **** kot budk ni. Die lupe ke yg aq ni ketua klas,,? Yg die sruh aq duduk tu naper,,? Kali ni, mmg aq geram. Die jerit kt aku mcm mane skali pown, aq xkn jage klas. Lantak la brape markah yg nk dimerit oleh cikgu, aq x kesah. Die tu mmg ade penyakit sawan **** kot. Mmg la ade penyakit, lupe nk pegi hospital.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Lirik Lagu 1 Malaysia

Dunia kian berubah
Perubahan melingkari
Melaksana hasrat hati
Kejayaan terbukti

Dunia yang megah
Dengan misi yang gagah
Kerana perpaduan
Kita masih bersama

Kita satu bangsa, Kita satu Negara
Kita satu matlamat, oooo
Kita satu bangsa, satu Negara
Kita satu Malaysia

Bermulanya sekarang
Perjalanan dilaksana
Seia sekata sehati dan sejiwa

Membina masa hadapan
Menuju kejayaan
Kita semua rakyat Malaysia
Harmoni, saling menghormati

Chorus x2
Kita satu bangsa, Kita satu Negara
Kita satu matlamat, oooo
Kita satu bangsa, satu Negara
Kita satu Malaysia

Sbnarnye aq bkn saje2 post lirik niy kt dlm blog aq... Cikgu Seni & Budaya kitowang suruh salin dlm 1 kertas lirik lagu 1Malaysia. Jd, aq postla dlm Blogger niy.

Why I Really Like Chelsea

I started kicking a ball aimlessly on my grandmother's balcony at the age of 4 but I was not really exposed to the game until I was 5-6. It was only until then I was introduced to Chelsea by my father and it was during the Lampard/Drogba times. I watched numerous games with him without necessarily understanding what was going on, but it was still fun. You can say I sort of became a Chelsea fan from there but it was mostly due to my dad, and he made no mistake of it!

I started getting into it more when I was 10, and a nice memory back then was our Premier League triumph in 2010. I only watched most of the game but then headed to basketball practice (which I don't even watch or play anymore!), and came back home in a rush to find out we had won. I was really happy.

Since then, my love for Chelsea was slowly growing, I was watching more games by myself and enjoying them everytime. Win or lose, it didn't make too much of a difference then, I just wanted to support my team and thought defeat was normal and part of the game. I didn't even understand the offside, refereeing decisions, and these small details. It was all about the boys in blue and especially Lampard. Whenever we'd score I would react like the modern day Arab commentators "GOOOOOAAAAAAAAALLLLLL", and even when I'd watch a game right after school and my dad was still at work, I'd call him to announce we had found the back of the net.

I really liked Lampard (that's why I've always type his name in this note) and I had become ever so attached to the Chelsea back then. We weren't the most successful team back then, but we had made it to the Champions League Semi Final. I would get angry whenever we lost to Manchester United, home or away, and even run to my room to online Facebook and like the "We Hate Manchester United" page. I lived in Malaysia, so the games were usually in the midnight.

The last few years have just been crazy as a Chelsea fan. Many ups and downs but that has never stopped me from liking and supporting the club through thick and thin. I haven't had the opportunity to go to London but Insha-Allah, I'll be able to go to London someday. Every goal of every game I celebrate at my school when recess. The team spirit is unbelievable. I like Chelsea to bits and I always will. Some of the shows they've put on home and away have been tremendous and historical. I'm proud to be a Chelsea fan despite the curses flashed upon us.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Bruno Mars - Grenade Lyrics

Easy come, easy go
That's just how you live, oh
Take, take, take it all,
But you never give
Should of known you was trouble from the first kiss,
Had your eyes wide open,
Why were they open?

Gave you all I had
And you tossed it in the trash
You tossed it in the trash, you did
To give me all your love is all I ever asked,
Cause what you don't understand is

I’d catch a grenade for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah)
Throw my hand on a blade for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah)
I’d jump in front of a train for ya (yeah, yeah , yeah)
You know I'd do anything for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah)
Oh, oh
I would go through all this pain,
Take a bullet straight through my brain,
Yes, I would die for ya baby;
But you won't do the same

No, no, no, no
Black, black, black and blue beat me till I'm numb
Tell the devil I said “hey” when you get back to where you're from
Mad woman, bad woman,
That's just what you are, yeah,
You’ll smile in my face then rip the breaks out my car

Gave you all I had
And you tossed it in the trash
You tossed it in the trash, yes you did
To give me all your love is all I ever asked
Cause what you don't understand is

I’d catch a grenade for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah)
Throw my hand on a blade for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah)
I’d jump in front of a train for ya (yeah, yeah , yeah)
You know I'd do anything for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah)
Oh, oh
I would go through all this pain,
Take a bullet straight through my brain,
Yes, I would die for ya baby;
But you won't do the same

If my body was on fire, ooh
You’ d watch me burn down in flames
You said you loved me you're a liar
Cause you never, ever, ever did baby...

But darling I’ll still catch a grenade for ya
Throw my hand on a blade for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah)
I’d jump in front of a train for ya (yeah, yeah , yeah)
You know I'd do anything for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah)
Oh, oh
I would go through all this pain,
Take a bullet straight through my brain,
Yes, I would die for ya baby;
But you won't do the same.
No, you won’t do the same,
You wouldn’t do the same,
Ooh, you’ll never do the same,
No, no, no, no

First Time Blogging

Hai sume... Niy sbnarnye bkn first time blogging... Sbnarnye aq ade blog yg laen, tpi ade msalah sket... So I create this blog... Even better than the previous blogger... So, I just want to perknlkn diri aq... Kowang bleh pnggil aq Daus or Firdaus... So, slamat berblogging!

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