
Friday, April 27, 2012

Hey Buddy! Here!

Okay, let me tell you something. I'm actually not interested in Blogger. So, from now I'll be not posting any post anymore. (If I want to post someone new, I'll put a notice first.) So, this post is the last post I've ever made in my life. Goodbye.

Friday, February 24, 2012


Just wanna say welcome back! The video for today is: DUPSTEP CAT!

WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT? That was.. awesome? I think? This video got 200,000 views in 4 days, and this is what happens when you take chocolate and sweets at the same time. This cat is pretty adorable! Just look at it's face! He's got some great moves! 

Okay, the next video is: GIRL FALLS TEXTING ON LIVE NEWS! Just focus at the lady at the background. 

This is what happens when you text while walking. Serves her right, huh? So, this video got 3,000,000 views in a week. We've all tripped and falling, but the difference is the national news didn't see! 

Okay, the comment question of the day is: WHAT FLOATS YOUR BOAT? Leave your responses and comments in the comment section BELOW. Or on Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus! So, thanks for reading my post and don't forget to follow my blog! This is Firdaus Shahreen, and I TYPE this message. So, I see you guys soon! =3

Copyright Firdaus Shahreen, Facebook Timeline Sucks. 

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Facebook, Twitter, Google+!

Untuk pengetahuan korang, aku pon tak selalu nak update blog ni. Malas la, katakan. Dah title blog pon "Blog Budak Selamba", mesti la selamba. (Lepas ni tukar title blog jadi "Blog Budak Malas" la, hehe.) Okay, so, kalau korang nak keep in touch dengan aku, boleh pergi ke Facebook aku, http://www.facebook.com/BladeBoccelli37. Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/FirdausShahreen. Google+: https://plus.google.com/106317477961237401925/posts

Setiap hari Selasa & Jumaat, aku akan bagi soalan yang kadang2 macam bodoh, tapi kadang2 macam professor. (Tapi banyak soalan yg aku bagi bodoh2 la). So, if you got any answers, you can comment on the comment section BELOW. Or on Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus! So, this is Firdaus Shahreen, and I TYPE this message. So, I see you guys soon! =3

Copyright Firdaus Shahreen, Facebook Timeline Sucks.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Angry Birds? I'm Angry!

Assalamualaikum. Apa khabar? Okay, post minggu nih adalah pasal Angry Birds. Korang pernah main tak Angry Birds? Tak kesah la korang main kat mana, kat iPad ke, Android ke, macam2 lagi la. Korang dah beat game tuh ke belum? Maksud aku, korang dah habiskan semue stage ke belum? Tapi, Angry Birds nih kdg2 best, kdg2 meluat, kdg2 nak hempas gadget yg kita guna untuk main Angry Birds, tapi syg pulak gadget yg dibeli mahal2 tuh. Aku sbenarnya dah beat dah game tuh, tapi, disebabkan aku ter-clear cookies web browser aku (aku main Angry Birds pakai Chrome), semue stage tuh dah di-delete. So, aku kena buat balik la dari stage pertama. Menang meluat aku masa tuh, tapi, lagi lama lagi bagus. Boleh beat game tuh lama2 sket. Takde la bila waktu lapang, boring. Kalau waktu lapang boleh main Angry Birds. Bila korang fail mana2 level, mesti ada bunyik macam babi2 tuh gelakkan kita kan? Part tuh mmg aku takleh tahan. Ada 1 level nih, aku pon tak ingat level ke-berapa. Aku rasa, aku dah cuba lebih drpd 10 kali! Bila babi tuh gelakkan aku, aku terus tumbuk screen laptop aku. Nasib baik tak rosak, kalau rosak, dah la takleh nak main AB (Angry Birds), satu internet takleh pakai. Tapi, jangan la rosakkan gadget korang mcm yg aku buat. Aku memang orang yg bukan penyabar. Okay la, itu jer yg aku nak tulis. Minggu depan aku akan update post baru. Aku update setiap hari Rabu petang. Make sure that you all visit my blog in the afternoon. Okay, goodbye! 

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Design Baru, Blog Hebat Yang Sama!

Hye guys! Okay, camne design terbaru blog aku? Cantek tak? Kalau tak cantek pon it's better dari dulu punyer design. Mesti korang nak tengok camne design blog aku yg dulu. Takpe ah, nanti muntah pulak korang depan blog aku. Okay, aku dapat semue design nih dari satu website. Aku pon tak ingat ape URL dia, tapi korang Google jer: The Cutest Blog On The Block. Korang boleh add background, buttons and many more. Okay, chow dulu. Nak mandi.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Michael Schumacher Last?? No!!

Korang nak tau, Michael Schumacher dapat no. brapa? Michael Schumacher retired, ade 1 part kreta tuh panas gila sampai terbakar. Tapi, tak kena pon Schumacher. Ross Brawn nih pandai buat kreta atau pon tak? But, aku tak salahkan sesapa pon. Dah mmg takdir Allah, terima je la dgn penuh keredhaan. Nico Rosberg start grid 8, pastu dia naik sampai grid 5. Tapi, bila race dah abis, Rosberg dpt no. 11 kot.. Aku pon tak pasti. Yg aku pasti, Rosberg dpt grid bwh drpd no. 10. Aku tgk Live Timing dlm Formula1.com, sbb mula2 lagi Schumacher dah start teruk. Dia start grid 5, pastu turun sampai grid 10. Bila dia belok dkt 1 slekoh tuh, tetiba jer engine cooler dia terbakar. Tuh yg dia retired tuh. Aku mmg tak puas hati betul dgn kreta tuh. Harap jenama Mercedes, tapi bila racing hampeh!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Formula 1

Hari nih, semue driver F1 akan berlumba di Monaco. Kalau korang nak tau result qualifying, tgk post sbelum nih. Michael Schumacher tuh abang aku tuh! Haha, gurau jer. Dia mmg idola aku sejak kecik lagi. Aku mula minat dia bila ayah aku ajak aku pegi Sepang, tgk qualifying. Masa tuh, aku tak tau lagi mana satu Schumacher, mana satu Rosberg. Yg aku tau, bila kreta Mercedes GP lalu jer, aku jerit "Schumacher"!! Haha, bodoh betul. Pastu, ayah aku ckp laa kat aku, "Helmet kuning tuh Rosberg, yg helmet oren tuh baru Schumacher". Tapi, aku tak dgr apea yg ayah aku ckp sebab aku tgh pkai earplug masa tuh. Mmg ah, bising gila siot bila kreta F1 lalu. Bingit telinga aku. Kalau aku tak pakai earplug, dlm 2-3 hari aku mesti dah tak dgr apa cikgu ajar. Haha. Tapi, mmg syok ah tgk Schumacher lumba. Dulu, dia laa legend of F1. Dia dah menang 7 world championships. Kalau Grand Prix, dia dah menang 91 kali. Mmg gempak betul! Driver yg aku paling suka: Michael Schumacher, Sebastian Vettel, Jenson Button. Diorang 3 mmg gempak!

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